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Conferencing & Collaboration Newsletter Stay updated on conferencing and collaboration solutions – news, market trends, business uses, and more – in a new monthly newsletter.
D=SIGN Newsletter: Explore how digital signage is working across verticals, the latest digital signage news, and more in a monthly newsletter.
Partner Third Party Offers: Offers and information from industry publications, InforComm show partners and other resources you may value.
Tech Solutions for Learning Newsletter: Follow the latest tech trends – and find practical inspiration – in this quarterly newsletter about learning solutions for universities and corporate training.
AV/IT Convergence Newsletter: Whether you are an IT professional or an AV professional, this quarterly newsletter will help you navigate the latest tech trends of where IT and AV intersect.
Broadcast AV: NEW: As broadcast and AV technologies continue to converge at lightning speed, stay updated with this quarterly newsletter.
CTS News: Information on the CTS program, renewal, and other topics of specific interst to anytone who currently holds or is working towards the CTS credential. Emailed monthly.
Education and Training: Information and updates on the latest AVIXA education, webinars, certification and training offerings and programs.
InfoComm Show: Promotions and news about the InfoComm show, including offers for free Exhibit Hall Passes.
Market Intelligence: Information and updates about AVIXA Market Intelligence reports and publications.
Participate in Industry Surveys: Share your perspective in AV industry and community surveys.
Regional Update: AVIXA's Regional Directors highlight pro-AV activities and events in EMEA, Asia and Oceania, Latin America (in Spanish and Portuguese), and DACH (in German). Emailed Monthly.
Special Member Offer and Events: Information and updates about AVIXA membership, programs, and events for the AVIXA community.
Standards and Development: Latest news and product announcement on AV standards development and stories on how your peers are using AVIXA standards.